
I find it very difficult to understand all vascular diseases. That's why we have specialists and the books we need.
Under such circumstances, Buerger disease was also called Bürger's disease and was a well-known disease until a while ago. After all, the illness that the Japanese comedy king "Enomoto" suffered was one of common vascular disease. It is an illness that he fought until he amputated his leg. It is a disease in which the arteries in his limbs are blocked and rot from the tip. In reality, unlike arteriosclerosis, veins also become inflamed and blocked.
There are differences depending on the person, but it is gradually becoming clear that periodontal disease bacteria are bad. It has become clear that periodontal bacteria, which like nicotine, attach to blood platelets and monocytes and are carried to clog arteries. It was also clear that smoking cessation would divide a person's destiny.
It is the job of this certified NPO to carry out such research and disease prevention activities. You can't do it alone. We look forward to the understanding and assistance of many people.

Director, Certified NPO Institute for Buerger Disease
Takehisa Iwai